Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Test your skill

Have a go at proofreading the following piece and leave a comment when you think you have found all the mistakes.

Perhaps you'll find more than me!

Sam looked up as he walked under the tree. Dead leaves rustled under his feet and disturbed the bird sittting on a branch watching him.

As the bird flew away, Sam sighed. He had hoped to get a close - up of the bird but now his chance was gone. He lowered his camera and was about to put the lens cap back on when, he saw the bird again.

It was sitting on a fence post not too far away . He quickly readied the camera, and took six shots in in rapid sucession.

Success! At last he had a picture of this rare specimen. He couldn't wait to go home and upload it to the group page! They will be very jealous of his sighting! If only he could get a little closer and catch the delicate colours of the plumage!

He moved slowly towards the bird holding the camera in front of him, ready to get that unforgetttable shot.

The bird put it's head on the side and watched him as he got closer. Sam cautiously checked the zoom and prepared to get the elusive picture. He couldm't believe his luck! The bird continued to watch him but didn't move!

Sam brought the camera slowly to eye level and placed his finger on the shutter release buttton. One click was all it would take and he would have the picture of the milllennium .

He begun to apply pressure with his finger when a suden noise shocked him. As he watched, a cat leapt on the unsuspecting bird and ran off with it in it's mouth.

Later as he downloaded the pictures Sam, found he had caught a perfect picture of the cat at the second it grabbed the bird.

The cats eyes were focused firmly on Sam and to Sam's surprise, he could have sworn that the cat was laughing at him.

Have fun and don't forget to comment below!

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